
So… I have always put in way too much of an effort to keep a dead or fading relationship going. Over the years I’ve had quite a few friendships become one sided (where I slowly become the only one making any effort to make plans or communicate). Up until about a year ago I would do anything to keep someone in my life, but now I feel the complete opposite.

I’m at the point in my life that when I notice a relationship start to become dependent on me keeping it alive… I’m just over it. I refuse to beg to be a part of someone’s life or future (no matter the amount of great memories we’ve shared in the past). I get that people and situations change (I’m not ignorant), but if I’ve ever meant as much to someone as they’ve told me I do, I wouldn’t be the only one repeatedly trying to salvage friendships (especially friendships that have no apparent reason to be preserved besides my own personal nostalgias). My self worth and time is simply more important than that.

History is called history for a reason right?

I definitely have made my own mistakes in friendships and I am nowhere near a perfect friend, but I do deserve relationships that have an equal amount of effort being put into it. So if someone doesn’t want to put in any effort or is putting in the most minimal effort… I’m peacing. I have one life and I’m not wasting it trying to keep others around.

If I could give anyone reading this advice… Do not waste your precious time keeping relationships alive if you’re the only one trying. Just fucking leave. (Gracefully though, don’t be an asshole about it).

We all deserve to be in that Myspace top ten. ๐Ÿซก


Btw… I fucking hate Valentine’s Day. Every day we should be telling people we love them.

Happy Valentine’s Day though ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ–ค

22 thoughts on “Friendships…

  1. Really appreciate this coming from you Hal. I was that way myself. Iโ€™m older and have become tired and like the Carly Simon song said, I havenโ€™t got time for the pain.

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  2. Iโ€™m the same way. I donโ€™t see the point in sinking my energy into a relationship (be it friends, family, whatever) in which the other person doesnโ€™t share the caring and time. I instead choose to cherish what I have while I have it and release it when itโ€™s to that point. We all grow and change, and thatโ€™s okay!

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  3. A beautiful sharing, Hal ๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโค๏ธ…I very much resonate…what’s the point if it’s only one sided effort based friendship / relation…I love your Valentine’s note…this is how I feel abt it…not just this but also other such occasions…every day is a Valentine’s day / mother’s day / father’s day / birthday etc…

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