Well this has been a year…

These last 360 days have been full of learning experiences and life lessons. I have discovered so much about myself (both good and bad) that will definitely be impacting how I will move forward into this next year. Honestly, it’s been a good one. I’ve got an incredible support system of family and friends in my life and I’ve gotten to do some pretty amazing things.

I do have a few regrets (as most of us probably do), but no painstaking ones. In reality though… I think they were all things that will lead to positive changes in the next year for me. So maybe I don’t actually regret most of them.

I have discovered parts of me that I don’t necessarily enjoy. I think a lot of us have an alter ego or two within us… I found one within some fucked up corner of my soul that I thought made me happy, but ended up being kind of harmful. I basically just discovered more ways to disrespect and exploit myself. I have been known to push the boundaries in my life…. But shit… I kind of went above and beyond a few times. Not the best, healthy version of me. But life lessons and experiences are important… I guess…

I don’t do resolutions at New Year’s… But if I did… I would say that this year I want to love myself wholeheartedly. I want to be able to feel content in my own head (at least most of the time) and trust that I can make myself happy. I just want to prove to myself that I don’t need anyone else’s approval. I still catch myself searching for acceptance and affection from others… when in reality it doesn’t fucking matter.

I’ll work on it I swear.

Anyways… thank you all for sticking with me again this year. I really appreciate the love from the WP community and I am grateful for all the support.

Happy New Year 🙂
