81 thoughts on “Pulled

  1. Beautiful, and so vey true. We all gravitate towards those who we know would understand our troubles and in the end, find we help not only them, but ourselves.

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  2. It’s so rare to find an artist, a poet, a mind that so beautifully paint the true nature of a human heart, soul, being. You are among the few that have that gift. Thank you for sharing it. 🙏❤️🙏

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  3. You are right!

    And I therefore think that the default assumption of two lost people making things worse for each other, help others before yourself, is simplistic and doesn’t always apply. It can be a chicken and egg situation.

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  4. As you surely know, being the owner of your blog, comments are closed on you latest post so I hope what I’m doing here, commenting on another that I liked, isn’t completely annoying. I suppose I should keep my thoughts to myself, both to honor your settings and to reduce the cacophony of “I just wanted to say.” But I just wanted to say I know what you’re saying. I mean I hear what you’re saying. I think about life’s pointlessness and the futility of most shit a lot of the time. At some points in my life, that has caused me tremendous anxiety and put me in dark places. At other points—probably more often—it’s been something of a relief. Especially when I find myself getting worked up or upset. Then I remember it doesn’t matter, not even in the least, we’re all going to die and one day there will be absolutely nothing left of any of us, only fucking space dust. I find comfort in that when my job sucks or my life sucks or I suck. Or even when things are good—it’s liberating to be so inessential, so disposable, and yet so full of thought and feeling and contradiction and all the shit people are full of. Especially shit. Probably why I do what I do with the blog thing myself. It’s repetitive (mine) but it’s breakage, and sometimes I want that. Anyway, I like your outlook. Sorry for commenting obliquely.

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    • Thank you for commenting obliquely. 🙂
      I shut off the comments just in case someone wanted to argue about religion or some other shit.
      You summed up my thoughts perfectly here. I get so stressed thinking about the need to do something great with my life when in reality it doesn’t matter. And say in the off-chance I do accomplish something outstanding, someone will eventually do it better.
      It is liberating to know that in the end nothing matters. I just need to live life for me and fuck the expectations.
      Thank you Mercutio. Keep up what you do on your blog too. It’s bold and I love that. 🖤

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      • Good move keeping the noise down proactively. Makes me think how easily the point of sentiments like the ones you shared can be missed. We can be so awful to one another, to ourselves. Like if someone were to come by, read your post, and spout off about deities or some pseudo-philosophical drivel—why not let you be? I sometimes think we all know deep down that it’s meaningless because we spend so much time and effort to make meaning, whether in beautiful ways like art or horrible ways like totalitarianism or racism or religious bigotry or whatever stupid shit distracts anyone from how utterly inconsequential they are. But I guess we wouldn’t be “us” if we didn’t.

        Thanks for the reply, and the encouragement. I’m glad you have an appreciation for what I do. Good talking with you.

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      • Exactly!!! I just want to say what I want to say and have no one coming at me.
        We’re all trying to find meaning in this world, but at the end of all meaningless. 🤯
        Thank you for reaching out 🙂 I appreciate it and it is great talking to you too ☺️❤️

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      • Do you know what sapiosexuality is? I didn’t till recently. Not that you asked but I’d call myself sapiosexual. And I think what I do with my blog tends to reflect that, even though some of it is straight up self-objectification. But so much of what I experience here in the blog world is not a turn on. At all. It’s a lot of the kind of noise you were trying to keep out, especially around the kind of “content” I create. I’m not really going anywhere with this comment, I don’t think. Just sharing. I hope that’s ok. Sharing/commenting has a way of putting a kind of pressure on the recipient to reciprocate. I don’t mean to put any of that on you but I guess it’s kinda unavoidable. So here’s a simple pleasantry haha: have yourself a fabulous day.

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      • It’s being attracted to intellect more than anything yes?
        I see your blog as a kind of sophisticated erotica. Not many people can do what you do. You’ve turned your body into an artform with emotion and beauty. Your pictures can be considered attractive/objectifying yes… But there’s also an intensity behind them which I appreciate.
        The unavoidable reciprocation is reciprocated to you. 🙂 Have a beautiful day 🖤

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      • Yeah exactly. Thank you for the compliments, it’s nice to be seen that way. Kinda like I’ve been sapiosexualized.

        P.S. I read the tags—or at least I read those. I saw “blah” and was hooked.

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      • Just when you thought this thread was dead, here it goes again. I really liked your last photo. And I just posted something without a photo for the first time in I don’t know how long. Maybe I’ll toss something in there and turn myself into a gimmick. Anyway, just saying hello while I’m here.

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      • I’ve gone private again. It’s something I do from time to time when I feel a need to retreat from what I do here. What I do here isn’t prideful and free—it’s angst-ridden and framed by fear and doubt. And it’s intensely private. So when I see that some traffic to my blog came from facebook, I know it’s time to lock it down. I need that control.

        While I don’t want random asses from facebook on my page, I’m quite happy to have you around, if and when you’re inclined. Is it ok if I invite you to my now-private site? It’s a little lackluster now cuz I also reverted all my posts to drafts but some stuff is still there. All I’ll probably reinstate some posts.

        Sorry to put all this in a comment but I don’t think you have a contact page on your site. I suppose I don’t need to be saying any of it at all but I feel like there’s a bit of an understanding and some mutual appreciation. So here I am, keeping this thread alive.

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      • I completely understand that. This is private, creative space where I can just be me. That’s the main reason I made it anonymous.
        However, when I do actually connect with people on here I will allow them into my actual (mildly boring) life. I like being able to keep in touch with people.
        Don’t apologize for asking! If you send me a link to your private site I will happily click it.
        Thanks for keeping the thread alive yet again ❤

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      • It lives! I think there’s usually a max for how long these comment threads can go but I guess we’ll test the limits.

        Thank you, I figured you’d understand. I’ll add you to my site—I’ll be glad to stay in touch. It’s still a ghost town in there except for the pictures page but it’s a ghost town I’ll be happy to have you wander through. I’ll see you in there.

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      • You know what? Today’s the day for a DOUBLE REPLY 🤯. That’s right, not giving you a chance to respond before I do again cuz I just read your post from this morning and holy shit do I understand that feeling. Like almost every night as I try to settle my mind for sleep, there it is, growling in the corner. Counterfactuals are one thing but the visceral awareness that both chance and my own choices seem to have dashed my idealistic hopes for magnificence is a tough pill to swallow sometimes. I don’t think I’ve been more averse to anything than I am to mediocrity. Honestly I think that’s part of the reason (again) for this bloggery.

        Anyway, yeah, fuck that feeling.

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      • A double reply?!?!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯
        My mind just spirals at night and wanders through every single choice I’ve ever made. Part of me believes that I could have been someone truly important in this world… but then how important can one person be in this day in age? Also what’s the point??!!!?
        I just hate… HATE…. the idea of a life of dullness and normalcy. I could keep going… I’ll spare you today…. 😉
        🙌🏻 Fuck that feeling and thank you again!!!

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      • Once your blown mind settles a bit, feel free to reach me anytime through the contact page on my thing. Or we can keep this comment thread going indefinitely, whatever works.

        I agree on all fronts. It’s hard to mean anything when the earth is swarming with us. And what difference does it make anyway. Dullness and normalcy 🤮

        Spare me today but take advantage later.

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      • I know of like the elusive thread that never ends. 🙂
        I also have IG if you’re interested in that… That’s more boring basic white girl stuff though. 😐

        Spare me today but take advantage later 🙌🏻🖤
        Love that.

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      • Bring on the boring basic white girl stuff—same handle?

        I think I’ll randomly say shit here just to see if this thread breaks wordpress

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      • Now there’s a goal. We’ve probably both been flagged now as surreptitious agitators.

        Ah ok, the actual (IG) you. Well, I’m game to meet your IG self if you’re inclined to introduce us. I don’t have an IG associated with this wordpress self but I’m on there, more or less.

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      • I imagine it would defeat your purposes to share that actual self here so email it to me on my say hello page if you do end up sharing. Sorry if that’s annoying but I’d rather not toss even an anonymous address out there to the wolves. Although I guess if the found it down here at the bottom of this comment pit, then more power to them

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      • That’s what I figured. If someone is going to scroll through this thread then they can have it. I’ll probably implode this comment after you read it just in case though.
        I’m ash.ochoa93. Enjoy the basic white girl in me there. 🙌🏻🙂

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  5. I think we hit the max. My last two comments on that thread aren’t there. Or we really did break wordpress, in which case congrats to us

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      • I’m glad it is. There’s a lot of shit on the internet and its nice to have a quiet corner to hang out in. Speaking of, I visited your gram and I like your art and photos. I mean, I like your photos here too. I just like your photos. And cool tattoo (the one on your left shoulder I think). I should just message you there. Not on your shoulder, that wouldn’t make sense. On IG. I don’t let these two worlds intersect but maybe I’ll make an exception, we’ll see.

        Anyway, I hope you’re a survivor today just like this thread.

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      • I agree. WordPress is my safe place. I can say anything I want without the hesitation behind wondering what people think. No one on here actually knows me IRL.
        Thank you thank you 🖤 I like my tattoos as well (I better right?) I appreciate the compliments too. You can try messaging my shoulder, but I don’t know how far you’ll get.
        I’m surviving here today. Hope you are as well. 🖤
        #thethreadthatbreakstheinternet 😏

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      • Well I’m honored to have received a sliver of your real life, thanks for trusting me with that. I tried sending a message to that effect to your shoulder but so far no reply. I’ll keep holding my breath, it’s good practice—you never know when you’ll need it, and by then it’s too late.

        I’m glad you’re surviving. And that we can share this safe place. I like threading with you

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      • I most certainly do want to find out. I’ll think of something to say, then you think of something, then I’ll think of something… till we break the entire internet

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      • Most in the world….
        Besides a great taco salad, I think I would have to say excitement. I crave something to look forward to…. Right now it feels like I’m just living day to day without any real goal. But it’s also winter and there’s not too much to do here.
        What about you? What are you craving right this moment?

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      • Pretty similar, actually. I mean, that’s what my whole blog thing is basically about. Taco salad.

        I’m after some kind of thrill, something not so much to break up the routine as to augment it. I crave anticipation too, always. Anticipation of the unknown, something on the mental, emotional, physical horizon to be excited about, to wonder about. So maybe it’s wonder that I crave most.

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      • You know… Now that you mention it, I did notice your enthusiasm with Mexican themed salads in many of your posts…
        I feel you. Kind of like the mini-adrenaline rush of something new and the build-up leading to it. The excitement of it all.

        But honestly… Olives or no olives? I won’t judge you, I promise.

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      • Exactly. Like… I wonder about what will make me wonder next. I wonder what you might say in reply to something I’ve said or posted. I wonder what I’ll see or hear or experience that’ll excite and inspire me and remind me there’s more to life than sheer endurance. And I wonder about what kind of person doesn’t like olives. Although I’d probably skip them on a taco salad and save them for Mediterranean.

        Judge away

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      • The uncertainties of life are what keep us going. I find myself wondering quite a bit about paths I’ve taken and how different my life could be in different scenarios. Apparently I also like to frequently question my existence and purpose in life.
        What kind of people don’t like olives you ask? Losers. Losers without taste buds.

        I can’t judge you. We’re on the same page with olives.

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      • I’m glad olives weren’t the death on this epic dialogue. What does your ideal scenario look like? Maybe “ideal” is too strong a word. I just mean what do you see sometimes when your brain is playing with other scenarios and fucking with you like that? I ask because I’m curious and because I can relate

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      • I think I’m living my ideal scenario. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I went to art school, never was fat, or moved into the cities. I really like to fuck with myself by questioning relationships/friendships and where I would be if I still had certain people in my life.
        But all my choices have led me to this moment and I feel pretty good at where I’m at.
        What about you? What scenarios fuck with your head?

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      • Speaking of holding breath… I felt a little weird about the compliment, like maybe I should’ve kept it to myself. I mean I write about sexuality and lust and I’m naked all the time—or at least this version of me is. I think I felt like it’d be hard to come off appropriately. But what’s appropriately? You do have beautiful eyes and I suppose I can say so whether I’m naked or not.

        Ok I’ll try it one more time, free of all concern: your eyes are marvelous and I like marvelous eyes. That was easy.

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